Category: Data & Trends

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Local and Regional Plan for Philadelphia and Surrounding Counties Program Years 2021-2024
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) establishes an integrated workforce system designed to meet the needs of businesses and job seekers. In accordance with

Philadelphia’s College Near Completers: An Opportunity to Train, Upskill, and Advance Economic Mobility
In 2019, more than 120,000 adult Philadelphians had more than one year of college credit with no degree. These “Near Completers” were overwhelmingly Black or African American and more likely to live in specific areas of North and West Philadelphia.

Philadelphia: An Executive Summary of Economic and Demographic Trends
The economic and demographic characteristics of Philadelphia residents have shifted rapidly over the past decade. Population and employment growth, increases in educational attainment, and decreases in the overall poverty rate have all transformed the way our city functions.

Patterns of Spatial Inequities: Negative Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Job losses during the COVID-19 pandemic were highly uneven, exacerbating existing inequities in Philadelphia.

Increasing Inequities: Uneven Impacts of the COVID-19 Economic Crisis
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis, more than 233,000 newly unemployed Philadelphians—approximately 30% of the city’s labor force—have filed initial

COVID-19 Impact on Philadelphia Dashboard
The following charts explore the effects of the local COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent City shutdown on Philadelphia’s Workforce. Data is drawn from several sources as noted.

Fast Facts and Job Openings Data: Philadelphia Labor Market in 2020
Philadelphia city experienced an increase in employment to 688,375 – an increase of 5,901 more employed from the previous month. The unemployment rate was 4.9 percent. Over 35,000 individuals were unemployed in Philadelphia in February 2019.

A Profile of the Working Poor in Philadelphia
A very conservative measure of Working Poor still finds more than 53,000 residents struggling to make ends meet.