Author name: Dawn Thomas

Women teaching

Integrating Immigrant Talent: A Look at Philadelphia’s Foreign-Born Population

As the Workforce Development Board for Philadelphia, Philadelphia Works and the PA CareerLink® Philadelphia system administer and support programming that educates and trains our city’s residents. Individuals from all backgrounds are entitled to access these services, and we work with partners and stakeholders from various organizations to help reach diverse populations. This research brief provides […]

Integrating Immigrant Talent: A Look at Philadelphia’s Foreign-Born Population Read More »

Philadelphia Map

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Local and Regional Plan for Philadelphia and Surrounding Counties Program Years 2021-2024

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) establishes an integrated workforce system designed to meet the needs of businesses and job seekers. In accordance with WIOA, the plans for Philadelphia’s integrated workforce system, and Southeastern PA are below. The effective date for both plans are July 1, 2021-June 30, 2024. Philadelphia Workforce Development Board Agenda

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Local and Regional Plan for Philadelphia and Surrounding Counties Program Years 2021-2024 Read More »

Girl Graduating

Philadelphia’s College Near Completers: An Opportunity to Train, Upskill, and Advance Economic Mobility

In 2019, more than 120,000 adult Philadelphians had more than one year of college credit with no degree. These “Near Completers” were overwhelmingly Black or African American and more likely to live in specific areas of North and West Philadelphia.

Philadelphia’s College Near Completers: An Opportunity to Train, Upskill, and Advance Economic Mobility Read More »

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