Looking to Hire and/or Retain Skilled Employees?

Philadelphia Works invests federal funds to provide on-the-job or classroom training for prospective employees for qualifying businesses. Our job training services include:

On the Job Training: Training you provide for a period of time to increase productivity and skills of newly hired workers. Download OJT fact sheet for more information. Learn how OJT helped Amity Care train new employees.

Amity Care actively recruits, screens and hires their talent from the public workforce system. To date, Amity Care has hired 17 individuals to participate in on-the-job training funded by Philadelphia Works. These participants have been given an opportunity to advance on a rewarding career pathway and are receiving self-sustaining wages while providing care and compassion to adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
This program has benefited not only the residents of Amity
Care, but continues to benefit the career seekers in Philadelphia with little or no experience in this field and offer them training from the ground level so they can advance.  As a licensed provider of support services and community homes, Amity Care empowers adults with ASD and Intellectual Disabilities to learn new skills and reach new goals on the path to greater independence.

Customized Job Training: Training tailored specifically to meet the needs of employers who agree to hire workers after they receive skills training.  Contact us to learn if your business qualifies.

Training For Your Current Employees

Commonwealth Funds: Philadelphia Works has access to funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to help area businesses upgrade the skills of current workers. We can help you learn if you qualify. 

WEDnetPA: Community College of Philadelphia announces the availability of WEDnetPA funding for employers. This funding provides free basic skills training and information technology training for both new hires and already employed workers. Interested companies can learn more on the WEDnetPA website www.wednetpa.com or they can contact Ayanna Washington at 215-496-6155 or [email protected]

Literacy, Language and Computer Skills in the Workplace: Through partnerships with local organizations, employees can receive workforce literacy services such as English as a Second Language (ESL) and basic reading, math, and computer skills.

Learn more about how these services can help your business grow: Employer services line: 833-750-5627 or [email protected].

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