Dear Agency Partners,
Grantees can now access a
link for the FY20 Mid-Year Report through the Grant
Management & Reporting System. Please note that this report
should be completed by January
17, 2020. Grantees are asked to respond to the following
questions through the Mid-Year Report:
1. Are you on track to
meet outcomes? Y/N 2. If not, why not? 3. Please describe any successes or challenges (organizational or programmatic) that your organization has experienced through this point in the reporting period. You can access Grant Management & Reporting System using your email as your login. If you have forgotten your password, click here to request a new password. Should you have any questions about the reporting requirements, please contact your relationship manager. Happy Holidays! United Way is your local partner to drive measurable, lasting Impact that none of us can achieve alone. United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey P.O. Box 15760 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Email: [email protected] Phone: 215-665-2500 |
Current Labor Market Conditions
This dashboard provides the most up-to-date, high-level look at Philadelphia’s labor market. State, federal, and private data sources help us understand how our local economy and workforce are performing over time.