Smart Workforce Solutions
Philadelphia Works, Inc. leverages our knowledge and investments in the local labor market to develop new workforce strategies and scale promising solutions.

Good Jobs Challenge
The Good Jobs Challenge is available in the Southeastern PA Region. With a focus on equity, our mission is to train and connect individuals to quality employment opportunities.

Apprenticeship Building America
The US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration granted Philadelphia Works $4.7 million to strengthen partnerships with community colleges, workforce boards, businesses, industry associations, community-based organizations and employer groups to increase access to Registered Apprenticeship opportunities in high-demand industries such as health, education, IT support, and manufacturing.

ApprenticeshipPHL Celebrates Five Years
In 2018, during National Apprenticeship Week , ApprenticeshipPHL officially launched. Born out of the compelling idea to harness collective industry intelligence, tap into local resources, and ride the wave of existing momentum surrounding the apprenticeship model, ApprenticeshipPHL set out to expand and improve the apprenticeship landscape in the southeast PA region. Today, we take a moment to look back, with pride, as ApprenticeshipPHL prepares to mark all the achievements of its five-year journey.

Roadtrip Nation
Philadelphia Works, in partnership with Roadtrip Nation, is helping to brighten the future of Philadelphia’s youth and young adult populations. The online media hub provides career exploration, inspiring stories from local professionals, and connection to viable training and employment opportunities.

The Women in Nontraditional Careers (WINC) Project is a Philadelphia regional collaboration to support, increase and advance the participation of women in construction, manufacturing, and transit careers.

Your Next Step
Your Next Step, developed by Philadelphia Works, in partnership with the City’s Department of Commerce, is an interactive tool that helps local career seekers navigate the many resources available to them to support their career success. Your Next Step is increasing access and equity to public services and programs and has had over 4,000 site visitors to-date.

Pay for Success
In 2020, Philadelphia Works, Comcast, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia partnered to pilot this innovative workforce funding model. Over three years, the pilot aims to train 75 Philadelphia residents with employer-defined skills and transition them into positions that pay a family-sustaining wage and correspondingly develop a sustainable talent pipeline for employers.